14 February 2012

The Hound Of Heaven

"Now hounds of love are hunting...
I've always been a coward
And I don't know what's good for me..."

(from 'The Hounds Of Love'. lyrics by Kate Bush)

I've been mulling over a phrase from Sunday about God's love pursuing us, and instantly my mind connected with the Kate Bush song mentioned above. The song has been rolling around in my mind ever since.

God's loving pursuit of His people is clearly shown in several parables - the Lost Sheep, even the Prodigal Son. He doesn't want us to be on our own in our struggles. He's running after us, doggedly chasing us! However, unlike the pack of hounds, He means us no harm. He wants to show us love. He's desperate to show us love. In fact, He is love personified (1 John 4:8).

In preparation for this post I have also come across a poem entitled "The Hound Of Heaven", first published in 1893 by a former opium addict called Francis Thompson (1859–1907). It's well worth a look, and speaks yet again of the Father's tireless yet loving search for us.

Isn't that a great message for a day like today?

More about this next time...

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