22 February 2012

Five Steps To Freedom

He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty” - Lao Tzu (Chinese philosopher)

I blogged the other day about setting a goal to break a habit. Most websites I have read on the subject have highlighted a series of steps that you need to take. Here's my summary of the advice I've found, taken as five steps. I don't claim to be an expect, just an interested amateur!

Awareness: First, you must admit that you have a problem. How is this habit affecting you, affecting others around you? Think objectively: why do you do it? Is there a hidden need within you that you are trying to fulfill? Think it through.

Wanting to Change: How can you beat something if you're not thoroughly determined to quit? You must convince yourself that breaking this habit is well worth the effort involved. Keep in mind how much better life would be once this issue is behind you...

Commitment: Make the decision. Whatever it takes. Seriously! If you want to regain control of your life, you need to commit to it.

Consistent Action: Take consistent daily action to break that bad habit, whilst at the same time taking action to develop a new one in its place. Remember to replace... the "cold turkey" approach (just suddenly quitting) is extremely stressful and for most people simply doesn't work.

Be sure to reward any positive steps taken towards changing a bad habit. Continual day-by-day actions are what are critical. Even if it's only one small step. It is all about being consistent. However, if you stumble, don't worry. Pick yourself up and start again tomorrow. It's only failure if you don't get up again!

Perseverance and Prayer: Stick at it! There will be times when you question whether it is all worth it; when you reach that brick wall; when you say to yourself that it's just too hard; that you are too 'weak' to change. That's where I would suggest you need God to step in. That's when you will require perseverance and prayer.

Pray through the points that you covered before; reviewing the rewards you are striving for, visualising how much better your life would be once rid of this habit. Draw on the Lord's strength.

While you work through these five steps - encourage yourself! Get support from others; read up about people who have been in similar situations and broke their bad habits. Keep positive!

(note: it's important here to make a clear distinction between habit and addiction. Please seek professional help if it is at all possible your issue is in any way an addiction.

1 comment:

Just Be Real said...

Colin the five points you share to freedom are very powerful. Thank you. Blessings.