31 July 2019

A is for All My Trials

All My Trials is a folk song, popular during the Fifties and the Sixties. A traditional ballad from the 19th century, it is full of biblical and religious imagery.

Among the artists to have recorded the song are Harry Belafonte, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, and Peter, Paul and Mary. Paul McCartney's version is arguably the best-known having spent 6 weeks in the UK Singles Chart in 1990.

30 July 2019

A-Z: Popular Songs That Are Spiritually Inspired

It's time once again for this blog's Summer break. I wasn't sure if I was going to do this again (I've been blogging quite erratically lately), but a great idea finally struck me as I sat in the corner at the Rock And Roll Cafe at our Corps - why not come up with a list of modern songs that have their roots in things that are spiritual? There are more than you think - the challenge is, can I come up with a list of 26; one for each letter of the alphabet? I guess we'll find out together.

Have a good summer.

6 July 2019

True Friendship

How many real friends do you have? According to a 2014 survey, the average Facebook user has 338 'friends'. And yet, how many of these are true 'friends'? Not that many, I am sure... Do many of your 'friends' truly know you - what makes you 'tick'...

I was pondering this at an Army event today. It followed an incident when I was seemingly 'blanked' by someone who I thought was a friend.  Yes, I know, perhaps they didn't know I would be there. Yes, I know, the venue was very large, and yes, I know, it's always extremely distracting when there are literally dozens of people in the same venue. I went through all of these scenarios in my head. Still, just for an little while, I must admit to feeling a little sorry for myself after the incident.

That didn't last long, I'm pleased to say. I was reminded quite powerfully that I have at least one friend who knows me inside and out and loves me to bits... Do you know Him?

Proverbs 18:24 (NIV)
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
...be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

5 July 2019

Getting Older

I recently celebrated another birthday.

I don't know about you, but since then I've become increasingly aware that things are proceeding so differently now then when I was twenty years younger...

And often not for the best... I don't mind the emphasis on technology as it helps so much to gather information to enable you to do your job. No, it's usually the baggage that comes with it.

It culminated this week with a junior member of staff who laughed at me because I regularly consulted a book at the office.  A paper book. How old fashioned of me...
