13 November 2010

Future Plans

"Mary, I know what I'm going to do tomorrow and the next day and the next year and the year after that. I'm going to leave this little town far behind, and I'm going to see the world. Italy, Greece, the Parthenon, the Coliseum. Then I'm coming back here, and I'll go to college and see what they know, and then I'm going to build things. I'm going to build air fields. I'm going to build skyscrapers a hundred stories high. I'm going to build bridges a mile long." - George Bailey, in Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life."

As a Christian, I believe God has a particular plan for each of our lives. He equips you, prepares you and sends you out. Each plan is unique to each of us, to our gifts and personality types. If you aren't especially aware of any leading from Him on this subject, I would recommend you to follow up on it. Enter a dialogue with the Almighty; get to know what His plan is, grasp it firmly and pursue it. It's likely to be the most exciting thing you can do in the world. My wife and I went on a Design For Life weekend some time ago, and I'm still working out what was revealed to me at that weekend.

However, what if God's plan for your life is not to travel the world; to build the airfields, the skyscrapers. That's George's dream. Each of us may plan to do great things. It's like wanting to win the big talent show; to secure that high-paying job; to retire to that little cottage by the sea. Such dreams are common to many.

However, God may be calling you to ministry in a faraway land, to make a stand and really make a mark on this world. To go out and make a difference. If so, good for you. Go for it. God's plan for your life will be the greatest adventure...

But, what if God just wants you to do His will - right here. To boldly stay put (to coin a phrase)? Perhaps He's not calling you to change the whole world, but to be salt and light just where you are at the moment. Just to change your small town. Perhaps that isn't quite the adventure you were thinking of...

Would you say yes - even if perhaps it's the last thing that you would want to do?

Would you?