29 November 2010

Colourless Lives

Following on from my recent blog entry about the dawn, here's an interesting observation that follows on from this.

You know when you walk around in the dark. There may have been a sudden power cut at night, and the whole house in plunged into darkness. You stumble around looking for a torch, walking into the furniture, perhaps even into the wall! However, eventually your eyes get used to the darkness, and you begin to take advantage of lesser sources of light, perhaps a freshly-lit candle, the moonlight through the window.

You start to see quite well – after a fashion. But as you look around, you’ll find that the world will lack any colour to it. The walls and furniture will be grey, except for the occasional beam of colour from an external light source. You can see, but by and large without that added dimension of colour.

Perhaps you are living in darkness, a perpetual night, just waiting for the dawn to find you. The life you are living will probably be just as grey as the illustration above. There’s not enough light to make your life colourful, perhaps even to make it worth living. Some may even sit there in the dark, trying vainly to remember how life was when colour was the norm. We begin to forget what it was like to have a colourful life.

This isn't living. You’ve got to seek out the light, bring it into your life. With every new level of illumination you encounter, your life will take on a whole new aspect. You'll soon be able to put your current challenges behind you, perhaps become a means of illumination to others...

John 12:46 (New International Version, ©2010, the words of Jesus)
"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."

Put some colour back into your life!

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