8 October 2024

If only ....

Food for thought. Are you doing your bit to spread the love around?

6 October 2024


1 Corinthians 1:18, NIV

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Perhaps the words of God don't make any sense to you? Yeah, I get it. Because that's what scripture tells us in the above verse. Oh, you didn't know the bible spoke directly about those who don't believe the gospel... 

To one group of people - Paul calls these 'the perishing' because it means they are heading for death - the sacrifice of Christ makes no sense. The original Greek term used here is mōria, from which we get the English word moron. Consequently, those who don't know God think believers, and their faith, are stupid.

However, those of us who do believe, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is a powerful act. Without that powerful act, we would be lost and without hope.

Which group are you in?

3 October 2024