8 August 2019

I is for In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

This song was written by Doug Ingle, vocalist and keyboard player for the rock band Iron Butterfly. His father was a church organist. The song title was supposed to be "In The Garden Of Eden", named of course after the birthplace of mankind in the book of Genesis. Someone had written "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" on a demo copy - reportedly because Ingle was drunk on wine when he first performed it...

A record company executive saw it and decided to use it as the title, since it sounded mystical and Eastern spirituality was big at the time (The Beatles were going to India and The Rolling Stones were experimenting with Indian instruments). The album version of the song is over 17 minutes long; the single was edited for radio. It's arguably the first ever Heavy Metal track!

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