5 January 2019

Saturday Catch-Up - 5th January 2019

Yes, I'm trying something just a bit different this year. Because I want to get back to blogging. I am sorry to say this has taken a bit of a back seat to other things lately. So I'm trying to commit to a catch-up post at least once every week...

I'm blogging less, because I am spending more and more time in the car, driving. I used to do quite a bit of blog writing on the train. But at least I've got away from commuter train delays!

I'm blogging less, because I've not been in the best of health, and to be honest my heart just hasn't been in it. But I'm now told that I'm responding well to treatment.

I'm blogging less, because quite frankly I've been a bit disheartened by a good many things that have happened during 2018. Some of these are obvious, they've been splashed over the newspaper headlines...  Some of these have been a little, shall we say, closer to home. The way certain things have turned out, the way certain people have reacted to me and mine. But I still remember the words of  Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Lean not on your understanding. Mmmm. I don't understand a whole host of things that happened during 2018. I didn't like them, either.

This is a New Year. Let's start again. And do things a little differently....

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