27 August 2013

Living A Changed Life

The passages of scripture that I have read over this summer about Jesus' life and teachings continue to challenge me, making me feel decidedly uneasy on occasions. And that, I understand, is a good thing... because there's so much He has to teach me about living life... differently. There's always something new to learn.

In fact, He has so much to teach each of us... if you have ears to hear...

So, after my summer break, it's time to focus once again on leaving my own personal comfort zone - setting out on hitting some of my goals for the future. Picking myself up from the failures of the past (and there's been quite a few in recent weeks) and trying again. Because, next time, the results may be different...

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ― Winston Churchill

"Instead of doing nothing because I’m overwhelmed, today I will do something, even if it’s small, because it will be one step closer to my goal." - Anon

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