21 October 2009

All is well...

I'm looking back now to Tuesday, to what has proven to be a rather peculiar day. A most strange period of my life; a day of confusion. However, part of the puzzle is because I reflect back on that day with a calmness that is simply amazing. Because on the whole I'm fine, truly convinced that all is well because the choices that I'm making in my personal life at the moment are leading me closer to Him. I hold that fact close to me.

On a day like this when 'all is well', it's all the more strange then when I see all around me plenty of evidence to the contrary... that things are far from well. Without too much effort I see disputes, anger, resentment. I see sickness, pain, disrepair. I see lies, chaos, even death. I see people asking questions and not prepared to listen to the answers I give.

What is the answer? Why do I have such a peace in my heart?

And do you have that same peace in your heart?


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