29 June 2011

Going Round In Circles

It would seem that today is a day that I'm cheerfully spending going around in circles.

Just when I think I am achieving something, all of a sudden I am back to square one and starting out again. How frustrating!

And then it struck me. Isn't that the way that we work through a problem spiritually? Doesn't that explain why we seem to tread over the same ground, again and again?

Theologians apparently call this 'the hermeneutical spiral' -going round and round in a cycle, working out theology and reading the Bible. You are constantly checking with scripture to ensure you are working to a sound theology, ensuring also that you're not going off on your own hobby horse of your own. As you keep doing round the cycle, the theory says that you should get closer and closer to the thing you are searching for. The answer!

I'm told it's a good thing to do – but I'm getting rather dizzy today!

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