24 August 2021

Y is for Yagiment (New Words Born Out Of The Pandemic)

According to a British language consultant, the pandemic has fostered more than 1,000 new words. Here's just a few of them:

Blursday - when one day seems to blur into the next.

Covidiot - someone who puts everyone at risk by ignoring public health advice, like social distancing. It can include someone who insists on holding a large indoor gathering.

Doomscrolling - the act of spending an excessive amount of time on the internet absorbing lots of negative news. Not good, as it can be an addictive pattern of behaviour.

Quarantini - a cocktail mixed to celebrate yet another day working from home.

WFH - this is an acronym for “working from home”.  This is believed to be the new normal of the present world as many companies have offered this flexibility to their employees even post-Covid.

Zoom-bombing - what happens when internet trolls or hackers invade a Zoom video meeting to disrupt or distribute inappropriate material. 

(oh ... and Yagiment is an old Scottish word meaning a state of excitement. OK, then, you try and find a new word beginning with Y!)

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