I am pretty sure you were unaware this actually had a name...
The word was first coined in the fifteenth century, and was originally a form of the French word aguillette, the diminutive of aguille, meaning needle.
Angels in the heights adore him, Ye behold him face to face; Sun and moon bow down before him: Dwellers all in time and space, Praise him! Praise with us the God of grace.
I am pretty sure you were unaware this actually had a name...
Or so the regular column in the Reader's Digest used to proclaim. Do you remember this magazine? Regretfully, after 86 years, Reader's Digest UK has just stopped printing this wonderful publication from May 2024. I guess this is just another sign of the times. Oh well...
As part of my semi-regular challenge to myself to blog every day for 26 straight days in August - I give you a list of some terrific words and how these can be used to increase your vocabulary. Enjoy!
Have a great summer!